Old Stuff has a Story

Recently I’ve begun working at a local antique store and it’s a wicked cool job that I’m loving. I get to spend one day a week surrounded by unique items that have a history and a story. I get to meet customers who might become future characters in the books I’ve yet to write. Sometimes my creative brain gets overloaded with the contagious potential from all the unique histories that surround me. I start to feel like I need to buy all the things and fill my house with stories from days gone by. Given we’re doing a house renovation, I really must force myself to find some self-control when I’m at work, so I don’t buy all the things. What is it about all those old items that make me feel potential in myself?

            The imagination is one thing OCD loves to utilize to distort thoughts and create compulsions instead of interesting stories. Pretty items can become contaminated with a thought in an instant, ruining the precious item forever. Every day I need to choose if I’ll let my OCD influence my imagination. Will I let the creative thoughts become short stories or an annoying worry loop that plays too many times in my head? I am learning the beauty of my imagination and realizing there is good that can come with making up stories. These old antiques I’m now surrounded by that at one time might’ve created intrusive thoughts are now the inspiration for characters and plotlines.

            It’s remarkable how our greatest struggles are also used by God as our future strengths. I used to hate that my mind could create strange stories or scenarios because they plagued me, but now I hear those voices of what-if and can create a character people might see Jesus in or a funny scene that could make someone laugh. Progress is possible and there is joy in finding the right strategies. God gives us inspiration for creativity, and He also gives us inspiration in our journeys to better mental health. OCD doesn’t decide how I use my imagination, so don’t let it decide for you either!


Does the Whole World now have OCD?


The Self-promotion Sweats